The SMEAZ Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SMEAZ SACCOS) is run in terms of the Cooperative Societies Act Chapter 24:05 as well as in terms of the SMEAZ Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited By Laws. It consists of the following committees and office-holders:
Management Committee
The Management Committee is the executive body of the SACCOS, responsible for the overall management of the SACCOS. It is responsible for convening meetings, keeping minutes, overseeing other committees (except Supervisory Committee) and ensuring that the operations of the SACCOS are run efficiently and effectively.
The current members of the Management Committee are:
Supervisory Committee
The Supervisory Committee is responsible for overseeing the integrity of the SACCOS, including its assets, operations as well as adherence to stated guidelines. It has an oversight role over the Management Committee, and also receives and handles any complaints from members.
Technical Advisory Committee
The Technical Advisory Committee is made up of external experts retained for their skills, knowledge and expertise in the area of financial services and related fields. It provides advice to the committees and members in general regarding any issues that may arise.
Loans Committee
The Loans Committee reviews all loan applications that exceed any member’s shareholding and savings, and also assesses the adequacy of collateral security tendered. It also monitors the overall quality of the loan book, and advises the Management Committee and members accordingly.
Education Committee
The Education Committee plans and carries out training programs for members, as well as the public. It works with the Association in this regard.