Invoice discounting
Where you supply products and/or services to institutions who pay on terms (i.e. after 30, 60 or 90 days), working capital can become a challenge. Invoice discounting enables you to get a percentage (usually 75%-90%) of the invoice value advanced to you, so that you can continue production / servicing without being hamstrung by having to wait until the payment comes through. General guidelines for obtaining invoice discounting are:
Your customer should be a reputable large corporation or organisation based in Zimbabwe.
They must be willing to confirm amount they owe, and to cede the invoice to the SMEAZ SACCOS.
To obtain invoice discounting, you will need to present the following documents for preliminary processing:
Confirmed order, and invoice that you made out, together with delivery note (proof of receipt of delivery) from your customer.
Confirmation of satisfactory delivery to client, as well as terms given.
After processing and confirmation of the order and capacity to finance it, we will also require the following:
Letter of undertaking from the corporate/organisation to remit funds direct to the SMEAZ SACCOS.
We may require collateral security in the form of movable or immovable property (title deeds). A guarantee may also be obtained in place of collateral security.
To be eligible for this loan, you will need to meet the following requirements:
Be a paid-up member of the SME Association of Zimbabwe on at least the Standard membership package. You must be in good standing on your membership.
Be a member of the SMEAZ SACCOS and be on good standing in the SACCOS.
Have savings that are at least one sixth of the required loan amount.

Click on the button below to apply for a loan.