Order finance
Order financing (including financing for tenders) applies where you get an order or a tender which you need to fulfill but are unable to finance the cost of servicing the order/tender from your own resources. It is typically for a period of 30 to 90 days. General guidelines for obtaining order finance are:
Order (or tender) must be from reputable large corporation or organisation based in Zimbabwe.
It must be confirmed by the relevant authorities within that organisation.
To obtain funding, you will need to have the following documents for preliminary processing:
Confirmed order.
Quotation from a reputable supplier specifying delivery time, payment terms and product specification.
Freight/transport quotation (where relevant).
Profitability statement for the specific order (showing profitability of the order).
A letter requesting the facility with a summary history of your trading relationship with the entity which has given you the order.
After processing and validation of your order, the following will also be required:
Letter of undertaking from the corporate/organisation to remit funds direct to the SMEAZ SACCOS.
You may be required to provide collateral security or to obtain a loan guarantee.
To be eligible for this loan, you will need to meet the following requirements:
Be a paid-up member of the SME Association of Zimbabwe on at least the Standard membership package. You must be in good standing on your membership.
Be a member of the SMEAZ SACCOS and be on good standing in the SACCOS.
Have savings that are at least one sixth of the required loan amount.

Click on the button below to apply for a loan.