Credit Guarantees


This product will enable you (as well as your employees) to purchase on credit from stores and even SME businesses on the back of your shares and savings in the SACCOS. The SACCOS will issue a guarantee to the seller for the purchase so that you can purchase on credit. Should you default on the installments, the payments will be done from your savings as well as shares in the SACCOS.


Credit guarantees can also be used to get supplier credit facilities from businesses from which you are purchasing supplies.



Members and non-members are eligible for credit guarantees, subject to the limit of their shares and savings balances, any co-guarantees as well as the ability to repay. There is a minimum six-month waiting period before one can apply for a credit guarantee.




Click on the button below to apply for a loan.


The SMEAZ SACCOS is a regulated body registered under the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community & SME Development. Its funds and operations are controlled and overseen by strong independent committees drawn from its membership. Our products are safe, and tailored to meet your requirements as an SME.

Quick Contact

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us.

+263 8677 240480

6th Floor Batanai Gardens,
57 Jason Moyo Avenue (Cnr First Street),
Harare, Zimbabwe