Emergency loans



Emergency loans are loans that can be obtained at short notice. The maximum amount that can be taken out as an emergency loan is the equivalent of the amount you have in your shares and savings account(s). Emergency loans are repayable over a period not exceeding 90 days.



Members and non-members are eligible to get emergency loans, subject to the limit of their shares and savings balances. There is a minimum three month period before one can apply for an emergency loan. Access to these loans is also subject to availability of funds at the point at which the member requires them.



Click on the button below to apply for a loan. Note that only active members of the SMEAZ SACCOS can access the loan application page.


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The SMEAZ SACCOS is a regulated body registered under the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community & SME Development. Its funds and operations are controlled and overseen by strong independent committees drawn from its membership. Our products are safe, and tailored to meet your requirements as an SME.

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If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us.

+263 8677 240480

6th Floor Batanai Gardens,
57 Jason Moyo Avenue (Cnr First Street),
Harare, Zimbabwe