
We have a wide range of savings products to suit the needs of individuals and MSME businesses. We recognize the fact that in an MSME, the individual and the business are often inseparable, and that needs on the home front can indeed impact progress on the business front. We therefore tailor our products to enable businesspeople to meet both home and business needs successfully.

Depending on your needs, you can join as a non-member and access savings products that enable you to achieve your savings goals, or if you are running a business and would require an expanded set of savings products as well as business loans, then you can join as a member.



The SMEAZ SACCOS is a regulated body registered under the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community & SME Development. Its funds and operations are controlled and overseen by strong independent committees drawn from its membership. Our products are safe, and tailored to meet your requirements as an SME.

Quick Contact

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us.

+263 8677 240480

6th Floor Batanai Gardens,
57 Jason Moyo Avenue (Cnr First Street),
Harare, Zimbabwe