Asset Replacement (Depreciation) Fund
If you are running a capital-intensive business with high value assets which are being depreciated on a monthly basis, it is prudent to set aside the amount you are providing towards depreciation into a separate account so that when the asset is fully depreciated, you will be able to replace it. The asset replacement fund is designed for this purpose.
On a monthly basis, you will deposit the total amount charged to depreciation in your accounts into this savings account, so that the money is not inadvertently used for other expenditures. This will be useful for businesses such as those in transport, construction, manufacturing and mechanised agriculture or agribusiness.
You will also be eligible to obtain a loan at the time when you are replacing the asset. You can consult with your Member Consultant to come up with an asset replacement schedule which ensures that your business' assets are never run down.

You can get hold of us on Whatsapp for further details.