Medical Fund

Medical emergencies befall us all, often at a time when cash is not available to deal with such emergencies. Unfortunately in today's world, not having cash on hand at the point when a medical emergency occurs can often mean the difference between life and death.

The medical fund is a savings account into which you deposit money on a monthly basis, and in the event of a medical emergency you can then get a payout to meet the emergency. The fund can be run on an individual basis, for an organization or for a group.

The medical fund pays out only to the extent to which you have put in funds, and to the extent to which you may be eligible for a loan. The funds deposited into the account remain yours and can be withdrawn subject to appropriate notice being given.

A business can opt to create a medical fund for staff and staff's immediate family members. In this instance you will need to agree on whether or not it is a contributory scheme where staff also make payments into the fund, and how staff would redeem their contributions in the event of termination of service.

The Medical Fund can also be a Group Medical Fund where several organisations or individuals come together and set up a fund with defined contributions and benefits.

Please note that this is not a medical aid scheme, neither can it replace a medical aid scheme.


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The SMEAZ SACCOS is a regulated body registered under the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community & SME Development. Its funds and operations are controlled and overseen by strong independent committees drawn from its membership. Our products are safe, and tailored to meet your requirements as an SME.

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+263 8677 240480

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57 Jason Moyo Avenue (Cnr First Street),
Harare, Zimbabwe