Mukando (Group Products)
As the saying goes, "if you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together". The SMEAZ SACCOS is built on the principle of collective savings and investments, and naturally group products form part of our service offering.
For individuals or groups who would like to set up the traditional mukando/round, you can use the SACCOS to manage contributions, as well as even earn interest on your savings.
You can set up a mukando account as an individual, where you deposit your money, then get it after a predefined time period. This will enable you to avoid the risk of non-performance often associated with informal mikando.
Groups can also come together to contribute towards a common pot, and then disbursements are done to individuals within the group according to a specified formula. Qualifying groups of members can also be boosted through a SACCOS loan to increase the number of beneficiaries getting payouts at a time.

You can get hold of us on Whatsapp for further details.