
Targeted Savings Account

The Targeted Savings account is an account whereby you are saving for a particular purchase in future, so for example you may want to save towards buying a home appliance in the next six months, so you deposit money monthly until the sixth month, when you get your money plus interest paid back.

Interest rate is between 1% and 2% per month depending on tenure (how long the period is) and amount.

As a saver on the Targeted Savings account, you may also be eligible for a loan towards the asset purchase, depending on your earnings capacity. This can be discussed at the point of commencement of savings.

You can participate in the Targeted Savings account as a non-member (i.e. ordinary customer) or as a member of the SACCOS.


You can get hold of us on Whatsapp for further details.


The SMEAZ SACCOS is a regulated body registered under the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community & SME Development. Its funds and operations are controlled and overseen by strong independent committees drawn from its membership. Our products are safe, and tailored to meet your requirements as an SME.

Quick Contact

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us.

+263 8677 240480

6th Floor Batanai Gardens,
57 Jason Moyo Avenue (Cnr First Street),
Harare, Zimbabwe